Every day we take good care of our plants, so that we can guarantee you get probably the best NONI supplements available. We exclusively produce within the EU. We do not freeze our fruits and we make our own vegetable preparations and organic fertilizers.
Probably the best Noni you can find on the market. 100% organic. 100% pure NONI.

Their quality makes them unique.
Our field is located south of the Rural Park of Teno, in a deep valley, which originates on the slopes of Teide volcano and goes towards the sea. These special circumstances coupled with its proximity to the sea, guarantee gentle sea breezes and constant Alisios winds to our Noni farming.
This unique location has an exceptionally favourable microclimate for growing Morinda Citrifolia (Noni). We have been growing Noni plants in Tenerife since 2000. Our seeds come from collected fruits in the vicinity of Samaná Beach, Dominican Republic.
ORIGINAL NONI LOS GIGANTES ® has the required EC approval for Noni commercial purposes in all member countries of the EU since May 2015. We harvest and process our Nonis within European territory; therefore we are the first and the only European producers.

Noni requires very special conditions to obtain good quality fruits.

Our nonis are grown on rich volcanic soils and we make our own vegetable preparations and organic fertilizers in order to provide the best conditions for Noni farming. We exclusively use own produced WORM HUMUS and compost as fertilisers, registered under number F0002164/2024 by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture.
ORIGINAL NONI LOS GIGANTES® field has been registered under number 3158 P in the “Registro de Producción Ecológica de Canarias” by the “Instituto Canario de Calidad Agroalimentaria” with Control Authority Code ES-ECO-014-IC. This confers a secure guarantee to ORIGINAL NONI LOS GIGANTES®, which meets the European standards in organic and natural production, ensuring the utmost quality to our customers.

Dietary supplement
It is recommended to take your Noni on an empty stomach with plain water. Please leave at least 30 minutes before eating, so the Noni is properly absorbed in your intestine. Also, avoid consuming caffeine. During the first week, please take one Noni pill a day, so your body gets used to it. After the first week, please take two Noni pills a day. Thanks to their quality and purity, our capsules are the equivalent of drinking more than 6 bottles of Noni juice concentrate. The effects of consuming Noni vary from person to person. Food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a healthy balanced diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact your physician and/or pharmacist.
You should not consume Noni if
– you suffer from acute renal failure and/ or you are on a potassium-restricted diet.
– you have had a transplant, because Noni strengthens the body’s defense mechanisms.
– you have heart failure and/or you are taking anticoagulants.
– pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers should consult their practitioners before consuming this fruit.
Ingredients: Caprylic acid, caproic acid, uronic acid, alkaloid, alimemazine, alizarin, anthraquinone, arginine, aspartic acid, carbonates, carotenoids, cysteine, cofactors, damnacanthal, enzymes, scopolamine, scopoletin, phytosterols, phenylalanine, glycine, glucopyranose, glucosides, glutamic acid, carbohydrates, iron, histamine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, magnesium, methionine, morindadiol, morindin, mineral nutrients, proline, proxeroninase, serine, serotonin, sitosterol, terpenes, tyrosine, tryptophan, valine, vitamins,and xeronine

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